Blocked drains can be a hassle for any homeowner. Blocked drains are one of the biggest reasons people call a plumber in Pontiac Michigan, not that it’s a bad thing. But blocked drains can happen when you least expect it.
Now we are all about helping you find a solution and why not before it happens so you’re not making a fuss about the blocked drain when it is happening? We have a number of plumbers around Oakland County Michigan.
Michigan plumbing tips
You can use a DIY drain cleaner as they call them all it is hot water and some vinegar and it’s a lot better than just pouring down a ton of water down the drain.
But sometimes blocked drains in Pontiac Michigan can be more than just hair clogs and soap they can happen from tree roots too for those you need to call a plumber that can do the proper drain cleaning for you.
Boiling water with vinegar is the most common go-to for blocked drains and yes it can work. Many people in Michigan use this method before calling a local plumber.
The next option you have is to get a bent wire hanger. It can be one of the most useful ways to push the clog higher or lower and all you must do is run the hot water after to see if the blocked drain can clear.
You can clean the pipes yourself or high a drain cleaner to do this but sometimes the pipes in your home just need a good cleaning to stay clear of blocks.
If you need a plumber call us in Michigan
Its okay to call a plumber but we also want you to know the simple blocked drain fixes you can do and the remedies that can help you before a blocked drain starts. Trust us you can sometimes catch a drain becoming blocked.
Blocked drains can create water damage and can leak down into your basement and create basement leaks so you may one day need to fix your basement.